Recent Work
As a journalist with more than 20 years of experience, I have written more than 100 articles for popular magazines, newspapers, and other media, including National Geographic, Rolling Stone, and Smithsonian. I am a former editor at Islands magazine, where I edited the entire front-of-the-book, and a former AAAS Mass Media Fellow at the Los Angeles Times. I have some upcoming slots for new clients in providing branded content as part of my business, Islephile LLC. If you’re interested in working with me, please email me at
Below is a selection of my past work:
“I named a bug after Kamala Harris. Here’s why” San Francisco Chronicle
“Half of these earwigs use their right penis. The other half use their left penis. Why?” Smithsonian
“A grounded view of the empire of insects” Los Angeles Times
“Know any good snail jokes?” Slate
“Meet Madagascar’s newly discovered huge rhombus frog” Discover
“Fresno on her mind” Alta
“Walk-Up Revolution: Royce Clayton’s pitch to change MLB at-bat music” Rolling Stone
“Things to do in Fresno, California” Via
“Why I’m starting a community college natural history program in 2018” Bay Nature
“When baseball players retire, they turn into accidental Buddhists” CNN
“Why doesn’t everyone believe humans are causing climate change?” Nova